We will need all of your tax related documents you should receive in January for the prior year's taxes including W-2's, 1099's, 1098 Mortgage interest statements, receipts for real estate taxes paid, K-1s from business or trust income sources, receipts for large purchases (i.e. cars, boats, etc.) to document sales tax, and receipts/records for medical expenses, gifts to charity and other itemized deductions. It's also important to bring the HUD Settlement statement from any real estate... see more >>
December 16, 2010, 12:10 pm
The most important thing is that you are working towards getting them filed now. If the IRS owes you a refund for any of those years, you will lose your refund after three (3) years from the due date of the original return. If you owe any taxes from those years, it is important to file as soon as possible to avoid further penalties and interest. We can help you, even if you need help retrieving old tax information from the IRS to file, just contact our office for an appointment today.
December 15, 2010, 10:10 am
We do 'free-looks' frequently. A 'free-look' is when we review your prior year(s) tax returns for missing deductions, incorrect calculations, or missed tax credits. If we find nothing, there is no charge. If there are missing items, we meet and discuss them with you. If there are missed deductions or credits you can file an amended tax return to claim a higher refund. Contact Geoff to arrange a 'free-look' today!
December 14, 2010, 10:12 am
Unfortunately, yes, you do. In this case, an amended return must be filed to correct the original return that omitted the document received.
December 13, 2010, 10:12 am
The decision to buy or lease varies on a case by case basis. If you do a lot of driving, usually the limited number of 'miles allowed' on a lease make it cost prohibitive. If you are self-employed, the decision to buy or lease does not change the ability to deduct your vehicle on your tax return. You can only deduct the percentage of business use of your vehicle either way. There are more specific criteria that may relate to your decision, please contact us to review your personal situation.
December 12, 2010, 10:12 am